Monday, August 08, 2005

Week 2 in Oxnard

Dallas Cowboys P.R. Director, Rich Dalrymple parties with me at the Cowboys Scrimmage. (Photo Credit: WFAA's George Riba)

Observations from Cowboys Scrimmage Fun Time:

- Julius Jones still looks amazing. If we can keep JJ healthy, in 12 months he might be thought in the very top tier of backs in the league.

- Drew Henson has a pretty large bag right now. Meanwhile, Tony Romo has plenty. Romo has a very fine ability to buy himself another second in the pocket to make a throw by stepping up in the pocket. There is no question who #2 is presently.

- Terence Newman was beat deep twice. By guys who may not make this team.

- Never heard of #68 Thomas Johnson. But, he was making so many plays in the backfield, that I will now be paying some attention to the undrafted rookie from Middle Tennessee State. He was unblockable at the scrimmage.

- Roy Williams can still hit as hard as anyone in the league….9 yards downfield. When he can do this behind the line of scrimmage, he will be a superstar.

- Anthony Thomas will be great at backup RB, whereas Marion Barber looks like a rookie who is not sure which hole he is supposed to be charging through when he is handed the ball. He looks too tentative.

- Mark my words: DeMarcus Ware will be a Pro Bowler in this league.

- Mark my words, part 2: Right Tackle is going to be the death of this team.

Chris Young with a huge start

No one knows if Young's seven shutout innings in Sunday's 9-3 victory against Baltimore are an indication he's returning to his solid early-season form. But he certainly looked like a more confident pitcher. The rookie right-hander established his fastball early and kept hitters off balance with an occasional curveball and a steady diet of change-ups.

"I knew I needed to be more aggressive and attack them," said Young (9-7), who ended a six-start winless streak and pitched past the fourth inning for only the second time since his last victory, on June 30.

Tony Stewart wins again, and again, and again …By the way, I know he is a bit on the abrasive side, but how do you not like this guy? I have tried, and I catch myself kind of liking him, despite his rivalry with my boy, Jeff Gordon.

Incidentally, Gordon stays alive (barely), but Dale Jr does not

Aggie Big Time Freshman Martellus Bennett

Gosselin on Aikman’s Hall of Fame Chances …Which I think is not really an issue, despite the fact that Troy does not have the huge numbers that his contemporaries offer.

There is precedent for Aikman being an easy Hall of Famer:

Aikman – 165 TD’s – 141 Int’s – 32,942 yards – 3 Super Bowl Wins
Griese - 192 TD’s - 172 Int’s – 25,092 yards – 2 Super Bowl Wins
Starr - 152 TD’s – 138 Int’s – 24, 718 yards – 5 NFL Titles

Bart Starr was voted in to the hall in the very first year of his eligibility, but Griese had to wait 5 years until he was given the go-ahead into the hall. So will he get in? For sure. But will he be in this winter? I don’t think we can guarantee it. On the other hand, Aikman also has another positive help on his side, and that is being a current prominent broadcaster in the league. Seems to me that current broadcasters always get the benefit of the doubt.

Mac Engle with an interesting piece on Tom Hicks

Saw a lousy movie and a great movie this weekend. I will not write anything about the Dukes of Hazzard, for fear that I might influence one person to spend one penny to see that crap. But, the March of the Penguins was wonderful. Provided you are into the nature shows on the Discovery Channel or Animal Planet like I am.

Des Moines Review of March

Cincy Review of March

Great Movie and Rated G. Fun for the whole family.

Speaking of fun, Learn to Dance like Napoleon Dynamite

North Korean leader claims 11 holes in 1.…whatever…


  1. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Sports Mascots that offend me:

    Houston Texans (I'm from Texas)
    Dallas Cowboys (My granddad was a cowboy)
    Texas Rangers (I know several actual Texas Rangers)
    Sacramento Kings (I only believe in one king and he isn't on this earth anymore)

    So from now on, the only safe non-offensive way to name sports teams is similar to what Soccer does.

    Dallas Football Team (a.k.a. FT Dallas)
    Texas Baseball Team (a.k.a. BT Texas)

    Then can we all get along unoffended?

    I'm 1/76th Choctaw, so Screw the NCAA.

  2. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I spent the $7.00 to see Dukes of Hazzard this weekend too Bob.

    Good Gawd Ahmighty it was HORRIBLE!! Please don't waste your money fellow P1s (whom I hate).

    By the way, I'm 1/365th Comanche and I agree, screw the NCAA. My granddaddy didn't wipe out the indigenious peoples of West Texas just to have the NCAA act like the Bureau of Indian Offending Acts Affairs!!

  3. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Here I was sure that we were talking Oscars for best film and Oscars for best Actress with Dukes of Hazzard. I'm stunned that it was crap.

  4. Anonymous10:10 AM

    I'm offended by the Houston Texans too because the "real" Texans football team were the Dallas Texans of the AFL. And yes, I know there was a Dallas Texans in 1952 as well (before moving to Baltimore), but they didn't even last one full season here.

    Houston should have named the new franchise the Oilers just like in Cleveland the new team was called the Browns. When you think of Texans and football, you sure don't think of Houston. When I think of Houston and football, I think of the Oilers.

  5. Anonymous10:24 AM


    Frickin PC nimrods....

  6. Anonymous11:17 AM

    The Dukes of Hazzard....proof again that Hollywood is full of Caca....

  7. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I'm not sure if this is bad or not, but when I read that Kim Jong-il is claiming 11 holes in one on his first round ever, it just makes me want to drop a nuke on him. Is that bad?

    eric in keller

  8. Anonymous12:06 PM

    good god, can dale stick his you know what any further up aikmans' arse? dale makes me listen to espn radio for an hour.

  9. Anonymous12:34 PM

    How bad is the Dale / Norm merger. It makes me want to blow my brains all over the wall of my cubicle.


  10. Anonymous1:03 PM


    You and Dan were good and funny last night, but if you have the chance to watch yourself, you will see your right knee DOESN'T STOP BOUNCING UP AND DOWN LIKE A MADMAN! Were you nervous, or was that a habit thing?

  11. Anonymous1:07 PM

    what were they on??

  12. Anonymous1:23 PM

    Jay Chandrasekhar directed the Dukes of Hazzard movie. I haven't seen it and won't see it until it gets on HBO or Comedy Channel movie of the week. He directed the Broken Lizards "Super Troopers" and "Club Dread" movies. Stupid funny on TV but not worth $7 in the theater. I can't believe they got him to direct "Dukes of Hazzard". What a waste.

  13. Anonymous1:35 PM

    i heard Kim Jong Il also invented the idea of sleep and can see the future and change it with his enormous wang.

  14. Anonymous1:38 PM

    The Dukes' director did Super Troopers huh? Hmm. I might need Bob's take on Super Troopers. I had planned on taking Bob's word on this, but Super Troopers is absolute greatness, and that alone might require me to go see Dukes.

  15. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Does anyone know what Hansen's ratings are compared to BaD Radio's during the noon to 1 hour?

    That would be very interesting to see.

  16. Anonymous3:28 PM

    They did the Mike Doocy thing last night - and were touching each others' legs and telling the other to stop it...very gay, yet comical

  17. Anonymous5:17 PM

    I find it humorous that Dennis Miller emphatically stated that Terrance Newman may be one of the best cover corners in the league. He must watch A LOT of Cowboy football.
