Friday, September 30, 2005


No. Not Chad Johnson for doing the Riverdance. But me. For leaving you hanging on a Friday. I blogged you not.

Possible things to discuss this morning:

Why does Bob ignore his blog when he is driving to College Station at 6:00 am?
Why does Bob drive to College Station at 6:00 am?

Or Spooooooooorrrrrtttttttzzzzzzz

College Football Story of year Candidate

Shocking Baylor/Aggie Rivalry story

Expect some Saturday blogging.

Love you…


  1. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Don't let the 5:36AM date stamp fool you. It is 11:51PM!

  2. Anonymous1:32 AM

    I love you, too, Bob.

  3. Anonymous7:41 AM

    11:51 my ass, this thing was up before 11pm.

    Down with Bob and his lying ways!!!

  4. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Since I contributed the Aggie/Baylor story yesterday, can anyone give me a website that gives the box scores and finals of the St. Louis, LA series last year.

    Some idiot in the cubicle next to me is "swearing" the Dodgers didn't play St. Louis in the playoffs last year and I need to "sturminate" him.

    Marching on Baylor...giggle....that's kinda like marching on Abilene Christian U.....who side do you think God is going to take!!!

  5. Anonymous8:32 AM

    You're slacking Bob.

  6. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Never mind, found it.

    By the way, if you add the Aggie death, the shooting of the newspaper editor by one of the school administrators (back in the late 1800's--look it up, it's almost as nuts as the Aggie story), the Branch Davidians, and the Dotson shooting, Waco makes New Orleans look like church camp.

    Go Bears,kick Gribble in the crotch and kill the Aggies...and I don't mean literally!!!

  7. Anonymous9:03 AM

    Sessums' death has faded, too, in Aggies lore. Earlier this week, a senior Corps officer who asked not to be quoted said he was unfamiliar with the incident or the Corps' legendary plan for revenge. He referred the matter to A&M spokesperson Lane Stephenson, who said, "I've been here 40 years, and I hadn't heard about that. At A&M we're more concerned with today's service than the past, even the tragic."

    I thought you Aggies were sooo into tradition? Geez, they don't remember a damn thing that happened before 1985 I guess. How pathetic...

  8. Anonymous9:04 AM

    That's alright Bob, take the day off. I heard ESPN radio has some cool blogs.
    I love you and your big bald head.
    League Divisional Series St. Louis Cardinals defeated Los Angeles Dodgers 3-1

  9. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Wow, Waco is like the little wheels off secret that Texas doesn't talk about.

    AttnyDan look up that goofy town in Wisconsin that Bob is from and see what dirty little secrets it keeps too. BaD HAS to do a road trip to Waco now.

    Wonder if there is an article from 20 years ago where Senior Sturm shot and killed the father of Bob's girlfriend over a chicken fight?..or was it a six pack of black label? Maybe a cheese log?

  10. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I hate Chad Johnson for the T.O. wanna be he is....but the Riverdance will go down as one of the greatest celebrations ever.

    Watch out for the A&M frat, Bob. My best friend was in an A&M frat and got engaged to a sorority chick...then she left him for one of her sorority "sisters". Which turned out to be okay, because he (and about 5 of his "brothers") all turned out to be gay as well. A&M...the gayest college ever. And I went to UNT.


  11. p1dean said...
    I hate Chad Johnson for the T.O. wanna be he is....but the Riverdance will go down as one of the greatest celebrations ever.

    I thought it was a funny celebration too, and I used to like Chad Johnson, until I noticed that he pushs away a teamate who runs up to celebrate with him. Thats just sorry.

  12. Even Stephen Hawking has more standing as an NFL quarterback than Quincy Carter.

  13. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Hey Mark D... I didn't know about that pushing teamates away deal...sounds like a jerk. I don't exactly keep up with much Bengals football, but it seems that he's gone to extra lengths to draw attention to himself (didn't he mail Tums or Pepto or somesuch to a team's defense once?)

    I find myself in the very hypocritical position of disliking the primadonna wide receiver, but enjoying the pom-pom-cellphone-riverdancing antics. Makes for good theater.

    That being said, my favorite "celebration" is when the (underrated?) Keyshawn scores and then hands the ball to a kid in the endzone. I thought superstars were supposed to run over and lock all their TD balls away in a chest.


  14. Anonymous5:15 PM

    As a former Waco resident I can assure you that all you assumption of that town are weird. For example. When the Branch Dividians/David Koresch shindig went down I was 9. One of the local resident had a hill on his property where you could view the compound from about a mile away. Every freak in the area was there (much like the state fair). I also met Dan Rather there. I remember this one lady who claimed to be a witch and had me peeing my pants for months. Needless to say I am glad that I got to FM/Lewisville.

    Waco blows except for Tomlinson.

  15. Yankees vs. Red Sox. How about it?

    How about Robert Redford and a very failed interview on ESPN coverage tonight? I think Mr. Redford hammered back a few cocktails prior to tonights game.

  16. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Umm, the games are about midway thru the third quarter and if anyone is going to get upset today it's going to be A&M, not Texas. Baylor has outplayed the Aggies for the entire game so far and Mizzou hasn't given the Horns much trouble at all after the first quarter anyway.

  17. Uh, so Baylor sucks? How about the Aggies sucking like usual. Baylor gave this one to them today.

    Love you.

  18. Anonymous3:22 PM

    Aggie fan better be thankful they were lucky enough to limp away with a 16-13 win as Baylor outplayed them almost the entire day. At least the win will keep A&M out of the Big 12 South cellar for another year anyway.

  19. Anonymous4:19 PM

    So much for the Horns running into an ambush game. They absolutely tore up Mizzou and made Brad Smith look very average at best. Next up OU. Let's see if Texas can get over that one last hurdle and put all of their past demons behind them. If they do, they'll probably ride the momentum all the way to the Rose Bowl.

    And way to go Baylor, Guy Morriss almost did it again. One thing you have to give Baylor credit for is that they come to play every week. And they just about took out the Aggies again. Nice to see that old rivalry is definitely back.

  20. Anonymous6:40 PM

    Name: John Up Yours
    Want To Be On Maillist: N

    Comments: All you guys have done is talk about what a sorry game the A$M/BU game will be this weekend with A$M having to play poor little BU. Well let me tell you this - take the points and BU you slobs. I shouldn't even help you losers that much but I feel sorry for you. A$M may win but it will be by the skin of their teeth.

    Okey Dokey, Baylor fan.

    Apology in order Bob? Sounds like "Baylor fan" totally nailed exactly how it went down today.

  21. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Bob, you know i love ya, but you have to admit the above messenger is right on.

    eric in keller

  22. All right, Bob, get off the TiVO and get to blogging! I can't believe A&M had to convert two fourth downs on their final drive just to send it to overtime. What's up, Coach Fran? Dayum.

    I can't believe Texas-OU is already here next weekend!

  23. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Coach Fran = very overrated.

  24. Anonymous9:15 AM

    I expected Saturday Blogging.

    Oh well.

    FYI Bob, Rome is a good. You should seriously be watching it.

    Waco sucks.

  25. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Does the knife in Big Dick's back have your fingerprints on it, sportssturm?

  26. Anonymous2:44 PM

    I didn't think the Saturday Blog could be topped. Then came the early Sunday entry.

  27. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Nah, it sounds like Rhyner is the one with the blood on his hands (as usual).
