Monday, November 14, 2005

Blog Blog Blog

10 am is the best I can do. Otherwise, how am I going to get my bench press on?


  1. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Dude, your mid-30's, your a father of 2, have a stay at home wife, you've been castarated and your bald. It is time for you give up and let yourself go. Get a beer gut and come on over and join the rest of us in marital bliss.

    You're making the rest of us look bad!!!

  2. Bob,

    Go put on your banana hammock and we'll talk to you later.

  3. Anonymous9:24 AM

    This is for AttnyDan...dude, if you really are an attorney, correct use of the English language (your/you're) might be helpful.

  4. Anonymous9:37 AM

    hey ANON, stop being a bitch. we all understood what he meant. why should we have to spell check bobs blog for christ sakes.

  5. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Not gay. Weight lifting Exemption.

    Gay or not gay.

    Correcting another guy's grammar?

  6. Wow. Bob's Blog went commercial. What's up with the pool ads?
