Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Honduras For A Month!
Dang. This is getting ridiculous now.
On Friday, we handed in our completed dossier to the US Embassy here in Tegucigalpa. Their job is to complete a full investigation into our adoption to make sure we are not engaged in any manner of child trafficking. I guess it is a big issue in this part of the world, and kiddos are bought and sold all of the time. So, the fact that the US Government wants to make sure it doesn't happen in our country is a great initiative.
The downside is that we cannot get the little guy home until it is done. The brochure indicates that a full investigation can take anywhere from 1 week to 1 month. However, it is the experience of many others that the investigation actually takes just 2 or 3 days if all of your details are in order. And we have gone to great lengths to insure that ours are in fact in great order.
So, this would be business day #2 since we turned everything in and we stare at the phone. Waiting for a ring.
Waiting. That is the real theme of the entire adoption process. I hope someone is inspired by our experience, but I also don't want to mislead anyone who might find it in their hearts to adopt. It builds character like nothing I have ever experienced. I like certainty in my life and there is nothing but uncertainty when you are adopting.
This morning I was looking through some notes and found that 216 days ago we were matched with Justin and had a meeting at Buckner in Dallas to hear all about him. 216 days ago since we knew who our son would be. And yet we still have not spent 1 day in our own house as a family. We are close, and yet we still wait.
Dan tells me all of the time that "A watched pot never boils". I know he didn't come up with it, but he says it enough that I credit him with its origin in my mind. And yet, I check my phone about 24 times an hour.
On Saturday, I have plane tickets to come home that were bought 6 weeks ago. If I have to change the tickets, it will be $250 per ticket for 5 of us (Thanks, United Airlines and Continental!). So, obviously, somewhere in my cheapskate psyche is a hope that I can save $1250, but that is 100% dependent on whether or not the phone rings either today or maybe tomorrow at the latest. If it does, we might make our flight and I could be on the air on Monday. If not, well, who knows anymore?
If you can't tell, I am hoping the phone rings from the Embassy.
And, I am learning exceptional patience.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Day 23 - Honduras
Well, our 3 segmented journey is about to enter the final phase.
Phase #1 - Go to Tegucigalpa and deal with all of the adoption items that needed to be handled. It took about 12 days and was basically house arrest in a hotel room with a 3-hour break each day for fast food lunch. August 29-September 9
Phase #2 - Go to Roatan and wait for processing of his new birth certificate. This is paradise and has included some wildly awesome experiences including snorkeling in one of the most amazing places ever. It also has given us a chance to see a part of the planet that it more beautiful than it gets credit for. It is basically the water in the Corona commercials. We have been in the ocean and had a chance to swim with dolphins. We have seen monkeys and lizards and parrots and every other exotic animal one would find at the Rainforest Cafe's gift shop area. This is the real deal. About 12 days. Sept 9 - Sept 21

Phase #3 - Go back to Tegucigalpa and within a few days go to the US Embassy and get his passport and Visa. This final Phase also is likely 10-14 days. Back to fast food and house arrest. And that when that is done we get to go home. Sept 21 - ???
As I reflect upon Phase #2 with our new Sturm (Justin), I am reminded of a few of life's truths.
The first one is from Mom when she would deal with our boredom during summer vacation. As an adult, I had forgotten about boredom, but when forced to serve 40 days in a foreign land, it reemerges. Anyway, Mom used to tell us that if we would occupy our mind with something, time would go faster. "Find something to do" was the actual cliche our parents ran into the ground. Well, we have found plenty to do. Maybe too much. And have tried to occupy our minds with adventures that would not normally be an option. It is tough to act like Phase #2 has been rough. It has been amazing. And putting on Justin on his first airplane and in his first body of water that was bigger than his bathtub was pretty cool.
Another of life's truths also abounds. It is the fact that no matter where you go in life, within about 7-10 days, you are ready to go home. Sleep in your own bed. Sit in your own chair. Watch your own TV. Drive your own car. Trust me. Find your paradise or your dream vacation. 3 weeks in, you will be ready to get back.
Day 23 is now the part of the trip where we just want to go home. My kids want to go to school again. It makes me crazy to be away from my job this long. And let's face it, in the close confines, even with those you love dearly, requires the occasional break, right?
I guess what I am saying as I leave paradise is that I don't mind. Because it represents a step closer to the finish line. That is very big and if we can survive a few more weeks, we can get back to the life we loved so much.
This is our journey and I am proud to be a part of it. But, I continue to wonder aloud why governments cannot simplify the process of adoption. It shouldn't cost this much money to help a child. It also shouldn't require 4-6 weeks in a foreign land. How many people have jobs that would allow that?
If there are willing families and desperate cases where children need families, wouldn't a worthy global initiative be to make this process much more easy and simple? I am not saying deliver our child by FedEx on our doorstep, but how about half as much money and 10 days in the country instead of 40?
Anyway, our road continues. We have been healthy, relatively happy, and despite plenty of speed-bumps, we already resemble a family. Everything is different than it used to be, and it will never change all the way back. All 3 of our children are uneasy with the changes, but it is so early in the game that this should be expected.
The fact is, Justin has lived 1,911 days without us, and now 22 days with us. He knows almost no English and has had his world changed 100%. But, it will shift even more when he is introduced to Texas, bunk beds, school, and high definition tv. At some point, he will wonder about his Dad's job that allows him to watch sports for a living, too. There is plenty of time for all of this.
For now, we continue to put in our time and have the craziest trip we will ever take. Tomorrow, we board another puddle-jumper back to Tegucigalpa and bravely take on Phase 3.
Make no mistake, we want to go home. We will get there.
Click Here for my latest visit with the boys from last Friday
Monday, September 12, 2011
BaD Radio - Recap - 9/12/11
Monday 9/12/11
Episode: 11 A.B. (After Bob)
Location: Studio
The Open: “My nickname is Sue Bob.” “I’ve always been the sexy one of the family”. Mike Doocy joins Dan and Donovan for this edition of DDD Radio. Doocy is off to the rough start, his computer isn’t working AND TC didn’t ask him what he wanted for lunch on his daily food run. Donovan went to a wedding this weekend while Dan and his wife went to a Murder Mystery Dinner. They were the youngest people there by a decade. They were seated at a table with some seasoned vets of the Murder Mystery Dinner scene. Because of that intertable influence, Dan decided to really try and figure out who the murderer was. He found out that it was Woody, and in typical Dan fashion was feeling really cocky about it. Turns out that 20 of the 25 tables solved it, and Dan and his wife didn’t get it right quick enough. So no free t-shirt or sex for Dan.
12:50 – Cowboys Talk: With the Cowboys blowing the 14 point leave in the 4th quarter for the first time in franchise history, Dan thinks that the overall view of this game will be different at the end of the year than it is now. Dan also points out that it seems like holding a 7 point lead with 7 or more minutes to go is even harder than having to come back from that 7 point deficit. Questions abound surrounding the play calling at the 2 yard line after the long Witten reception. Most of these questions and complaint are based on 20/20 hindsight. Yes, Romo fumbled but you can’t complain about the play he was trying to make; however, you can complain about him not protecting the football. Regardless, you cannot turnover the ball in that situation. Doocy wonders if that fumble was still weighing on his mind as threw the late game interception with the game tied and a minute remaining. Dan starts to rail on Dez Bryant, saying that he gave up in the second half. What Dan doesn’t bring up is Dez’s leg injury. Doocy is quick to mention the injury, he injured the quad on his first quarter punt return. This brings up the question: Is it better to have a 70% Dez or a 100% Ogletree on the field?
1:20 – Phone Call/Audio: A guy jumps on the side of Dez, explaining that Revis was holding Dez for a majority of the game and points out that Dez is going to be a beast if he stays healthy (obvious). Dan doesn’t want to give Romo a reprieve on the interception. He also questions Garrett play call after seeing an obviously gimpy Dez against Revis. Doocy points out that they Jets had zero penalties all game. In his post game press conference, Romo takes all the blame for his interception, saying that his throw was reactionary and Dez made the right move to keep going on the comeback. Mike Doocy wonders which part of this game Romo will take forward, the first 3 quarters or the last 8 minutes of the 4th?
1:40 – More Cowboys: A caller brings up the point that the Jets defensive adjustment and play calling on that Romo interception and every drive after the first of the game should not be overlooked.
1:55 – More Cowboys: Dan wants to talk about the Rob Ryan defense, which was surprisingly pretty good despite being Kate Moss thin in the secondary. His patented pre-snap disguises seemed to provide a solid amount of pressure on Sanchez that covered up the deficiency of the secondary. The Cowboys run defense was spectacular against a Jets team that is hard set on running the ball. Dallas gave up 45 yards on 17 Jet carries. Sean Lee had a breakout game, recovering a fumble and intercepting a Sanchez pass. As a fan, you have to be optimistic about the defense and the exotic nature of it. It will be interesting to see how Rob Ryan changes that approach when they play a game against a QB that can pick them apart. Dan was hoping for the narrative that would have had David Buehler kicking an extremely long field goal to win the game.
2:20 – More Cowboys: Concerning Dez Bryant returning punts, Donovan doesn’t think that they have a choice in putting him back there. Donovan also has an issue with how DeMarco Murray tip-toed his way out of the endzone when he returned kickoffs. Back to Dez, Jerry Jones was not happy about Dez returning punts, while Garrett and the coaches obviously want him out there. Doocy points out that because Dez is such a physical player, it might be better not to have him back there. Dan, after ripping on Dez earlier in the show, starts to praise Dez and his Beast Mode ability.
2:35 – Phone Calls: Some guy named Bruce Bruce says that if the Cowboys want to win, they should sit Romo down for the year. Case brings up play clock management and how the Cowboys let the clock go down to the last second before the ball is snapped, thus giving the defense an advantage of knowing when the ball is going to be snapped. Dan heard something last night about Buddy Ryan that he never knew; Buddy was the Jets defensive coordinator in Super Bowl III (the Namath prediction Super Bowl). Sam says that Witten should have been more aggressive in trying to get into the endzone on the long pass where he seemingly was content going out of bounds at the one. Dan starts to talk about his “great” week 1 fantasy victory.
3:00 – Why Today Doesn’t Suck: On this day in 1999, the Cleveland Browns returned to the NFL. Happy Birthday to KiJana Carter, John Fuqua, Vernon Maxwell, Yao Ming, Ralph Neely, Nina Blackwood, Ben Folds, Black on White Camel Toe, Linda Gray and Neil Peart. Spares include Pat Listach, Terry Dehere, Will Fredo Benitez, Ricky Rudd and Deron Cherry.
Listen to BaD Radio everyday from 12 – 3pm on Sports Radio 1310 The Ticket. I do, and I has opulence.
Wes Bullard
Honduras Blog #4 - Back in Teguc
It is Monday morning and we believe that today we have officially signed all of the papers and will be a family for real.
Our boy has been in our custody for 2 weeks and finally, he will legally (in Honduras) be our son.
That is a very cool thing to know for us, and a bit of wind in our sails as we proceed further down the road. The fact that this signing is at least a week behind schedule is annoying, but since there are no time machines in life, we cannot get the week back. So, on with it, we go.
This weekend, we visited Roatan, which is this island paradise off the north coast of the mainland. Wow. It is Honduras, but it is not Honduras. The differences are quite distinct. English is big there, as are US Dollars. The type of person living there is different, too, and you sort of feel like you have found Jamaica or some other Caribbean island. It is gorgeous.
We were able to do some significant snorkeling there, too, off the beach at our hotel. This is one of my very favorite things to do, and our older 2 kids were able to jump right in and share in the fun. The fish were amazing and colorful and it certainly broke up the monotony of our journey.
On Sunday, we traveled back to Tegucigalpa to sign our papers today. If all goes well, we will go back to the island on Tuesday and wait for the next phases- birth certificates, visas, and passports. It will be a big step and maybe we are finally making progress.
People keep asking when we will be back. The trip was projected at 4-6 weeks. We are starting week 3. At this point, I think it would be a miracle to be home in 13 days, but I am open to miracles. But, a fair projection seems closer to 3 more weeks at this point.
I have been able to watch the NBC games, so I am all caught up on the Cowboys, but I don't know how that will work for next week or beyond. Slingbox is cool, but not ideal for breaking down games like I have done for years so that might need to wait until I return.
Otherwise, our trip to the ocean has rejuvenated our spirit. I think we are carrying on pretty well. The progress that has been made as a family in 2 weeks is great. Long ways to go - especially after the honeymoon ends - but we have faith in the process and the purpose.
Anyway, thanks for caring and for reading.
Thursday, September 08, 2011
BaD Radio - Recap - 9/8/11
Thursday 9/8/11
Episode: 3013
Location: Studio
The Open: Grubes starts ragging on Bob and his Honduras trip; Dan, Donovan and Mark jump in and compare Bob’s iPhone to Tom Hanks’ volleyball, Wilson. Donovan is hoping for an ACL tear for Aaron Rodgers in tonight’s NFL opener. Stay strong, Bob. Mark Followill demands that interns call him Mr. Followill. Mark is coming off a strong performance yesterday as he took to the streets and did live play by play of life. It was awesome.
12:35 – NFL Talk: Tonight is the first game of the season, featuring the Packers and the Saints. News is coming down the pipeline that Peyton Manning is going to be out for a long time. Arian Foster is more than likely going to miss the season opener on Sunday. Dan questions whether the news of Peyton’s extended absence is reason enough to make the Texans the favorite in that division. The Lions are the en vogue pick to make the playoffs this year; Houston has been that pick for the past 5 years. The Colts are going to be horrible this year. The Chargers are a sexy pick in the AFC, they have a weak division and an elite QB. Dan and Mark throw some confidence on the side of the St. Louis Rams.
1:00 – Homer Call: IT. IS. BACK. Homer Call, Week 1, is upon us:
France vs. Italy basketball. They sound impossibly French.
Mark Followill is an entry this year as he yelled “DAGGER!!!” when the Mavs hit a 3 in the playoffs against the Trail Blazers in Game 1 of the series.
Nationals vs. Phillies, bases loaded, Nats down 3, full count, 2 outs. Walk off grand slam. “The Z-Man HAS DONE IT AGAIN!!”
College World Series. Cal vs. Baylor. Cal won and the announcer has an extremely high voice while screaming and then apologizes because he called 2 games the day before.
College World Series. Tampa. This guy is inaudible.
LLWS. Louisiana-Lafayette wins with a walk-off. “Don’t ever count a Cajun out!!” “WE GUNNA WIN IT WE GUNNA WIN IT WE GUNNA WIN IT WE GUNNA WIN IT!!!!”
Louisiana-Lafayette wins. Cal vs. Baylor is the wild card.
1:25 – A Cowboys Press Conference is scheduled for this time.
2:00 – Continued Cowboys Talk: Jason Garrett said that everyone is day to day. It’s not a surprise that he would say that; Jason Garrett is definitely a coach that plays everything close to the vest. Donovan worries about who will stop the run on this defense. Mark brings up the apparent lack of depth on the defense. Ranking the top defenders on the team: Ware, James, Ratliff, Then who? Mark brings up the point that in theory, after a score, with Buehler kicking, opposing offenses will have to go 80 yards every time.
2:20 – Ed Bark: The former DMN writer/critic joins the show to talk TV. He now runs www.unclebarky.com. Dan was watching Channel 5, Saturday night. He enjoys what he’s looking at, physically. Mark points out that, to him, Channel 5 feels like a Tarrant County news station. Ed says that news ratings have dropped significantly over the past 5 years, saying it’s not a lost cause yet.
2:35 – Ed Bark: Mark asks Ed about one of the Mavs game that was simulcast locally and on TNT. The local broadcast got killed locally by TNT. Dan wants to find out if Ed has any insight to the next great tv show. He says that Pan Am looks nice but he doesn’t see it lasting. On Showtime, alongside Dexter, is a show called Homeland that is premiering. He also mentions American Horror Story on FX. The premise sounds standard but it is really well acted and well done. Ed is also looking forward to the return of Dexter and Boardwalk Empire. Dan wonders about what the Walking Dead can do? Is there room for growth? He finishes by saying that he doesn’t think we’ll ever see a non-scripted primetime show top the rankings on the major networks.
3:00 – Why Today Doesn’t Suck: On this day in 1900, Galveston, Texas was hit by a hurricane that killed 8,000 people. Happy Birthday to Crème de la Face, Maurice Cheeks, L.C. Greenwood, Latrell Sprewell, David Arquette, Sid Cesar, Pink, Heather Thomas and Jonathan Taylor Thomas. Spares include Clarence Witherspoon, David Merrit and Henry Rawlings.
Listen to BaD Radio everyday from 12 – 3pm on Sports Radio 1310 The Ticket. I do, and I has opulence.
Wes Bullard
Wednesday, September 07, 2011
A typical day in Honduras for the Sturms
I indicate that because we were estimated roughly 5 days in Tegucigalpa prior to being turned free to Roatan for 14 days of relaxation and fun on the beach. So, being 5 days behind schedule only 10 days into the trip is not necessarily a time for great spirits and optimism. I wish I had more patience for the delays, but the facts seem to be rather clear that we were rushed down here and could have likely waited another week or maybe 2 for everyone to have their ducks in a row.
But, once we are down here, our choices are as follows: deal with it. Our new son is in our custody and therefore we cannot leave the country. We apparently cannot speak up about our unhappiness in delays, lest we anger the bureaucrats that are too busy to fit in 5 minutes of their time to send us on our way. So, Friday became Monday. That became Tuesday. And as of 11 am on Wednesday morning, we wonder when our time will finally come.
We are having good times and all, and each day the family becomes more a family, so don't get me wrong. This is partly about building a family together in a sped up amount of time and all, and our isolation is no doubt aiding in the process. But, being locked in a hotel for 10 straight days (and counting) is a recipe for insanity.
The groundhog day process is now a tired bit for sure. Every day has been almost exactly the same. Wake up at 5:30 (actually we have moved him to about 6:15 now as we try to reprogram his hard-drive.
Then, it is puzzles, books, and toys until breakfast about 8. Breakfast downstairs for everyone lasts about 30 minutes. Then, to the rooftop of the hotel which is actually a nice little terrace. We try to kill about 60-90 minutes there with a football, soccerball, bubbles, hide-n-seek, and we even tried to introduce duck, duck, goose.
Let's see...10 am now? 10 straight days. 10-11:30 is more extended time killing. Trust me, hiding in the bathroom with your iphone to just get away from kids-land for a few minutes is clearly in play here.
11:30 or so we finally head off to a barrage of restaurants and playgrounds. It is no more glamourous than it sounds. Here, the parks and the fast food joints are the same thing. If you want your kids to play at a playground, you may select from Burger King, Wendy's KFC, Pollo Campero, McDonalds, or Pizza Hut. No offense, but I am about to lose my mind on that front.
Now, it is near 2, and I am proud to say I have introduced Dad's great contribution - Tiempo de siesta! Wow. I have really hit on something here. My favorite part of the day is nap time. I may nap or squeeze a little TV on my Ipod with The Wire or Breaking Bad.
Around 4, we have further time killing. Coloring, more puzzles, more books, a little soccer in the room. Whatever gets us to 5:15.
5:15, we whip up a simple dinner in the apartment.
6:00 Wii time for the day. Everyone gets 15 minutes with their game. Brett wants Super Mario, New guy wants Wii Sports Resort so he can do the Sword Showdown (it makes him insane), Maddie wants MarioKart, and I mix in a little FIFA.
7:30 is shower time and get ready for bed.
8:00 is bedtime book with Dad and off to bed.
If we can still move or focus on anything, the wife and I look at our phones and fall asleep by about 9:30 it appears. At which point, we reload for another day.
Every day is the same. I wish I was kidding.
Don't get me wrong, this is a worthy trip and a great purpose. We love our new family and are getting along. But, 10 days in a row of this schedule seems a bit like doing time.
I look forward to the knuckleheads holding us up finally pushing our 5 minute appointment up a bit.
I'm going insane, Chuck.
Saturday, September 03, 2011
Honduras Blog #2 - Why Adopt Internationally?
But, apparently, the issue that really drives some people nuts is, "which children should we adopt?"
First, allow me a disclaimer:
My story is only my story. I am not a paid spokesman for Latin American adoptions nor am I someone who has the slightest idea what anyone else should do. My wife and I feel that we are on a Blues Brothers-like "Mission from God". So, if you don't believe in God, or don't think God puts people on specific missions, then there is a good chance that you think I am nuts anyway. That is fine. I really hope everyone would consider helping a child or children in someway in life - Big Brothers/Big Sisters, mentoring, being nice to your neighbors, or whatever. And if you feel extra blessed and fortunate to have a wonderful situation in life, then consider paying it forward and allowing a kiddo who has no chance on this planet most likely to join you in your blessed suburban existence.
Now, back to the original question that i have received no fewer than a dozen times since I announced this plan 12 days ago on the air. Why are we not adopting a needy child from Texas? Why would we overlook the needs of people within a few miles to help a child a few thousand miles away?
This is a real email I received last night:
Y'all could not adopt an American child? Or is that not the chic thing to do?
Thousands of kids in this country need a good home & you publicize how cool it is to adopt a kid from somewhere else. SMH.
Don't get me wrong, I'm sure your new kid will have a fantastic home, it's just sad there's a kid in this country that loses because of it.
I won't print the dude's name because that wouldn't be pleasant, but I was taken a bit off guard by this guy to have the huevos to ask me that. To infer that there is some level of publicity seeking from this is an easy way to draw me offside. However, I will concede that I likely goofed on Angelina Jolie or Madonna for a similar international adoption when I was a bit less informed.
Upon receiving his email, I wanted to fire off a terse response, but also decided against that. Instead, I shared the event with my twitter followers:
@Sportssturm: Just got a "hey,you should adopt American" email. Response: the God I believe in doesn't recognize borders, mister. #BonoInspiredResponses.
I really believe that. I think the idea of borders is something that God allows us to do as we draw up our maps and fight our wars, but I also believe in his eyes that humans are humans. Money, ethnicity, social background, education, or whatever else you want to throw in doesn't change his perception of us.
Therefore, in my opinion (which could be wrong, but it is mine), God isn't worried about us "buying American". He has precious souls all over the world that need our help. Multiple sources indicate that there are over 140 million orphans in the world today. Let's say that number is inflated. Let's say there are only 140,000 orphans in the world. Can you imagine the life of an orphan? The lack of options and a future? I don't mean to get to heavy here, but 140 million and someone is worried about which one is brought hope and change?
I am not in Honduras buying a car. I don't think the economy depends on my keeping American jobs alive by spending inside our man-made borders.
But, why Honduras? Well, I really don't know. Our first idea was Mexico. Then Guatemala. And finally, Honduras. The road here was crazy and unpredictable, but we arrived in 2009 at the idea that we were supposed to help a child here. It was faith. It was a feeling. I can't really explain it fully. It just seemed like the thing we were asked to do. And once we (my wife and I) felt that way, we just walked to the light.
But, since it wasn't 1 dude, but over a dozen, I do want to challenge those who feel that way to watch 2 documentaries for me and ask if the need domestically is similar. One can be seen here and it is called Recycled Life. It is the story of the children who literally live in a junkyard in Guatemala City. The other is called Which Way Home and can be seen on Netflix and is the story of children who hop trains to try to get to the USA through Mexico.
Both show you the poverty and hopelessness of many in Central America. Is it more sad than Africa or Russia or China or anywhere else in the world? Who knows? Who cares? It is bad. It is impossible for a child to figure things out without parents. Heck, it is tough enough with parents, but at least you generally get a good meal once in a while.
If you watch that junkyard video (less than 40 minutes) and can then tell me with a straight face that the problems in Dallas are similar or more pressing, then I will happily apologize to you and anyone else who wishes for an apology for not "supporting my country" in this venture. But, I fully expect that you will admit you had no idea how bad it is here for children.
Look, I am not trying to compare shades of bad. Bad is bad. And many children inside our borders need help, too. But, one guy said we should take care of our own. My response would then be, "so, should we let these countries take care of their own?" Because I have news for you. They cannot run elections, let alone solve their orphan problems. They have kids living in junkyards, so I don't think they have it handled. We might want to step in.
God doesn't cheer for a certain country in the Olympics. He asked us to take care of orphans and widows (James 1:27) and I don't believe he had specific geographic guidelines. Yes, I am sure that God wants the children in Iraq and Afghanistan helped, too.
This is not a foreign policy where we should stay out of other country's business. These are innocent children. They need help. All over the world. 140 million. 140,000,000.
I don't think it is time to get picky about which ones are being helped.
PS - I will get back to football soon.
Thursday, September 01, 2011
Honduran Trip #1
Day 4 in Tegucigalpa-
We are settling in to our routine now of time killing as we put in our time before we can return to the states. On Tuesday, we took custody of our new son and had a great time bringing him into our family.
Of course, showing my present kids that there is more to life than suburban DFW is plenty, but then to introduce them to the new permanent member of the family (who doesn't speak our language, nor us, his) is not met with complete excitement. Don't get me wrong - they are great kids and very excited to have him. But, there is some natural level of concern amongst the troops that their spot in the pecking order is now in doubt, but that will be smoothed out gradually.
Our boy, is in our custody, but not officially adopted until today or tomorrow. The court system down here is part hilarious and part sad in some respects and if you have a concern it is best to not have time expectations. We are down here until they are good and ready to get to us and not a second sooner. Not only that, but routine things like military shutdowns for strikes or riots and the routine fumigation of government buildings (no idea for what) makes a day take a week on a regular basis.
In the meantime, we have discovered that Teguc has a great children's museum. No lie. And dinosaurs scare both of my sons when the animatronics are so convincing.
Picture of Kiddos Here
We have discovered that fast food is fine dining and that there is no pattern to what ESPN Deportes will run out there. But, since my new son insists on all lights being off when he goes to bed in the entire apartment, I am not watching much tv anyway. He is about 30 pounds, but each pound is packed with resolve and opinion. Perhaps perfect for me.
On Tuesday we were kicked out of Burger King because the policia-swat team needed the building because of doom headed this way. I have no idea what that meant, but I was inclined to simply agree and move on.
My spanish is getting better and better, but I can't understand much from my boy. Between his speed and his child-like delivery, I am assured by our translator who is with us a few hours a day that even life-long spanish speakers cannot really understand him.
I miss sports. I won't lie. But, we are carrying on just fine. This is our adventure and I am happy to be making slow and steady progress with building our family through this.
I think today we are going to see the movie Smurfs in Spanish (Los Pitufos):
Try not to be too jealous.
Miss you much.