-TUESDAY, SEPT 15, 2015
-At Victory Plaza - Next to The American Airlines Center
-Dropoff Clothes between 10a-6p
-We are in need of your MEN's JEANS - …other stuff that you don’t need or don’t wear anymore, as well, but mostly JEANS to help benefit and stock the Cornerstone Clothes Closet.
-Clean out your drawers and closet an bring them by the station and drop them off for a good cause
-We will donate all items to men in the metroplex that are in need as we head into Fall
-The Dallas Stars have donated enough tickets for every donor to receive preseason tickets as a thank you for your donation!
-So DROP YOUR PANTS for The Ticket!

Several years ago, I was made aware of a church named Cornerstone Baptist Church at the corner of I45 and Martin Luther King Blvd in Dallas that is doing plenty of work with the needy of Dallas. Over time, my church up in my community (Valley Ranch Baptist) started doing work in many avenues with them, such as a Christmas Store, a food ministry, and a clothes closet.
I had only helped out around the holidays in making sure many families down there were able to provide gifts for their children at Christmas, but have recently been made aware of the clothes closet through my wife encouraging our family to go down one Saturday a few weeks back and help outfit those in need and often, homeless, with fresh clothing.
It was quite an experience, and our family was able to see the real needs that are everywhere if you spend a few hours looking around. One thing that came quickly to my attention was the lack of clothes available to donate to those who are in need. In particular, the lack of jeans for adult males.
Now, I don't know if this is a connection for everyone in the world, but for me, I could think of a stack of jeans in my closet that I don't ever wear, but I also never get rid of because I am a pack rat. I keep stuff because it is too hard to just discard jeans that have nothing wrong with them. However, in seeing these men who need jeans, it suddenly became clear that I have a solution in my closet.
I also am lucky enough to have a job where my audience is largely adult male. I am guessing most of you have waists that are somewhere between 28 and 52. Well, guess what, you are not alone! In fact, someone right now needs your pair of pants that you may never wear again anyway!
Now, it isn't just jeans, but I was told 95% of the need is jeans along with - MEN'S - shirts (all kinds, polo, t-shirts, dress), new underwear, new socks, and basically anything adults would need if they had almost nothing.
Additionally, travel size shampoos, skin lotions, dental care items, and razors are all helpful as well.
I want to put the call out to all of you and ask you to consider to bring by these items to our broadcast at Victory Plaza at the American Airlines Center downtown on Tuesday, September 15th. We will broadcast in the plaza and the Hardline will, as well.
So, from 10a-6p, we will have people on hand to take your items and make sure they go directly to the clothes closet at Cornerstone and will get to the people that desperately need them. Please consider doing so!
Thank you so much!
Bob Sturm
PS - If you would rather make a donation to the cause, please do! CornerstoneDallas.Org
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