Sorry, Bruce Bowen. Sorry, Tim Duncan. Sorry, Whiney Spurs fans.
Mavs 92, Spurs 86...There is a new day dawning.
Always the horses, seldom the jockey...
Daily Commentary on the Dallas Sports Scene - By Bob Sturm - Sportsradio 1310, The Ticket - The Athletic Dallas - The Athletic - Bob Sturm
that illegal immigrant Fabricio Oberto killed the mavs on the boards early..good thing he cooled off or i think i would have had to inform the INS on him...In Dirk We Trust!!!
It's great to see your player hoisted as a potential MVP in the rival city.
How long will the NBA allow Bowen to rape the man he defends? He is so ridiculous with his hand slapping and body pounding. He gets away with it night after night. And don't get me wrong, I love a shut-down defender.
By the way, I HATE ESPN basketball. Tom Tolbert is such a Mongo, and do I have to say anything other than Bill Walton. A close second in my hate for the broadcasting of Reggie Miller. How has TNT not realized this guy can't even speak? He's TERRIBLE. He slurs, spips over his words, and sounds like a child learning how to speak. Vomit. They better not have Reggie assigned to any playoff basketball. I'll mute it and take my prime demographic dollars elsewhere.
When the Mavs put Dampier on the floor, they are playing 4 on 5 basketball, he is that terrible.
"Steve Nash has to be the leading candidate to retain the league MVP"
New drinking game:
Take a drink every time Manu falls on the floor.
I think he's taken over the Worst Flopper throne from Vlade. And Vlade is happy with that.
Oh, and Mr Duncan, whena foul is called on you, stop doing the ref stare down and hands in the air like you didn't do anything wrong. They aren't even paying attention to you any more.
Spurs go down this year.
Even worse is when Duncan hugs the ball after a foul is called on him and holds it up under his chin.
f the spurs. that was a great game last night and had alot of intensity. i'm glad the mavs showed some toughness and gutted out that win, makes me feel a little better about the playoffs. they were getting slammed on the boards early on, but howard was awesome in the first. then terry hit some buckets and didnt let it get way out of hand. the second half play is what i was most concerned about and the mavs never fell off like people have been accusing them of and lacking the intensity to close it out. Good Win Mavs, now win out! Spurs need to drop a couple more for us, and Big D's got home court...
Any question who the second most important guy on the Mavs is? Wanna put Bowen on Dirk? OK.. that means Duncan has to guard Josh Howard. How well did that work out for the Spurs?
Read David Moore's article in the DMN today.
Bob, thanks so much for getting that "Wind Beneath My Wings" song stuck in my head for 12 hours.
Although Dirk truly was a beautiful face without a name...for so long.
At one point last night Manu drove to the basket and ended up on the floor. I honestly can't remember if he made his lay-up, but he flopped on the ground and grabbed at his face.
There was no call. Manu looked incredulous.
I rewound and watched the play several times and there was no contact whatsoever with Manu's face.
So not only did he flop, but he grabbed his face and completely faked being hit.
Where I come from, they have a name for someone that tries to pull that crap.
Big Giant Pussy.
Bob, will you be partaking in the art of blogging, while trapped at the ticket compound?
THe DIRK for MVP chants reached a crescendo late last night in the Alamo city.
If the MAvs win out, the trophy should be handed to Dirk... bottom line. There is one allstar on this team. There is one go to player on this team and everyone is gunning for that one go to guy every night.
You can count on a 25 and 10 night from him consistently and more times than not, the numbers he puts up are better than that.
While we are an afterthought up in the Northeast media, there was a loud swish sound that echoed through the Eastcoast when Dirk put the nail in the coffin late in the 4th last night.
Remember, this is a REGULAR SEASON award, not a playoff performance award. For that, Dirk is deserving
tap the brakes dallas fans, see you in the playoffs!
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