You might be wondering who or what the heck is this dude with the blog doing hanging out with our Bob Sturm? Well I wanted to introduce myself, my name is Tori Holt. I start by saying thanks to Bob for allowing me to post on his site. He’s the man. Not me. I am new. And I am not trying to be Bob. He’s giving me an opportunity to share my passions, which are like yours (the reader) and Bob’s (the man). I cannot thank Bob enough for being a great mentor; much like Ralph Strangis is to me with the Dallas Stars.
You might be wondering who or what the heck is this dude with the blog doing hanging out with our Bob Sturm? Well I wanted to introduce myself, my name is Tori Holt. I start by saying thanks to Bob for allowing me to post on his site. He’s the man. Not me. I am new. And I am not trying to be Bob. He’s giving me an opportunity to share my passions, which are like yours (the reader) and Bob’s (the man). I cannot thank Bob enough for being a great mentor; much like Ralph Strangis is to me with the Dallas Stars.
I am a sports guy at heart; love it, that’s all I do. I am new to the area, and have started this season covering the Dallas Stars which happens to be a new adventure for me. As you will find out, I am from Minnesota, love their sports but have a passion for the local teams as well, predominately the Stars and Texas Rangers! Rangers are sick.
The last six years I have done play-by-play, color, studio and hosting mostly on TV and some radio on Fox Sports Rocky Mountain and Altitude Sports and Entertainment for the Colorado Avalanche, Denver Pioneers, and Colorado Eagles (CHL).
Dallas is a wonderful city that I have started to really enjoy, and I am fortunate to be in such a great situation with so many great people to learn from at the Ticket and the Stars, and to be in a city with such great sports fans that have so much knowledge of sports. I thank you for taking a look at my blog and I hope as time passes it’s something you look forward to. If it sucks, don’t read it, and let Sturm know what a loser he decided to befriend. Sturm won’t mind, he’s used to idiots being a Packers fan! Kidding Sturm, thanks again to the reader, and Sturm, you’re the man!
I’ve been getting a little emotional over this whole Vikings season, loss, and Favre deal. And although I am not the second grader anymore that used to sit under my Grandpas
Coffee table every Sunday along with him living and dying each moment forming that bond that will last me my lifetime. This season for one day each week I got to be that kid again and think about how he would have loved to be here to see something so spectacular.
I think we have all found that sports has given us a reason to relate with our family members, or have memories with our friends that possibly we would never have. This Vikings season, because of the passion and joy brought to the team by one man, Brett Favre helped ease the pain of a bad economy, or a late mortgage, or a fledgling business. If for not for all time but for the three hours that he gave everything he had. For those three hours like him on the field, it made us feel like that it was only that game that mattered. And for those three hours this season, that was all that did.
Although it didn’t end like a movie, such is life. But in life how many times to you get to go back and be that second grader hanging out with your Grandpa again?
I appreciate the fact that I witnessed one of the greatest athletes of our time. Nobody gave more. Thanks Brett. I hope you comeback but if you don’t, I am glad I got this year. Win or lose, like him or hate him, I am glad that what he did in his life mattered to so many.
For so many, I think we all wish we lived like that.
Til Next Time,
Get a life, dude.
Wow! The big leagues for sure! No more St. Cloud State games for you! Sunday was a bummer, almost as bad as '98. Only worse part was you knew what we had in '99. If I was sure Favre was coming back I would be real excited. Anyways.....congrats!!!!
Rock Solid 25
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